Entry Fee

Entry fee for the tournament: 80 PLN / 17 EUR.

The following discounts apply:

  • till 14.09.2023: -20 PLN / -4 EUR (payment by this date)
  • players up to 15k and weaker: -20 PLN / -4 EUR
  • IGLO patrons: -20 PLN / -4 EUR
  • players under 18y and students (with a valid student card): -40 PLN / -8 EUR

Selected discount should be deducted from the base entry fee. The discounts do not add up.

Entry fee can be paid only by bank transfer, up to the last day of registration (11.10.2023). It will not be possible to pay the entry fee on the day of the tournament. Receipt of payment means confirmation of participation in the tournament.

PLN account

Recipient: Centrum Edukacyjne Gry Go "Szaleni Samuraje"
Account number: 79 1090 2590 0000 0001 4785 4705
Transfer description: China Town tournament entry fee

EUR account

Recipient: Centrum Edukacyjne Gry Go "Szaleni Samuraje"
Nr. rachunku: 93 1090 2590 0000 0001 5499 9279
IBAN: PL93109025900000000154999279
Transfer description: China Town tournament entry fee